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Who Are We?

POLY ROADS KZN is a proudly South African company that has positioned itself as a responsible and reliable supplier. We connect construction companies with specialised tools that help them build a better tomorrow. POLY ROADS KZN provides certified technologies that are revolutionising the way leaders approach road construction. These technologies include; mine haul-road stabilisation, national road construction, factory floors, dust palliatives and spray-on dam geoliners. 
With the ever-changing market and fluctuating demands on businesses and the environment, it is clear that we all need to be as agile and adaptable as possible. This is why we help companies shift their approach in ways that yield sustainable results. We at POLY ROADS KZN are fuelled by our commitment to sustainable excellence. We are here to help you invest in exciting methods that champion innovative solutions.



Leading through innovation.

  • Smart Materials are purposely designed. They allow the construction industry to use insitu and waste materials that in many instances would be discarded as unsuitable.

  • Smart road materials (SRM) enables the private and mining sector to reduce CO2 emissions, reduce aggregate and water consumption.

  • Our suppliers are on the frontlines of nano polymer technology development. With bi-lateral research and development agreements in place with global chemical partners, they ensure industry leading quality and expansion.

  • POLY ROADS KZN prioritises the integration of soil sciences as well the positive impact that technology has on the construction industry.



Responsible. Accountable. Committed. 

  • Integrity – Adhering to our core values and conducting business in an ethical way.

  • Accountability – Taking responsibility for our work and being transparent while doing so.

  • Commitment – Our promise to the customer to deliver what was promised.

  • Performance – Smart Materials that are environmentally friendly while surpassing traditional construction methodologies at a reduced cost.

  • Transformation – Adapting to Global change.

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